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Kaiser Permanente Run, Walk & Roll

Thu September 25, 2025 Atlanta, GA 30309 US Directions

5K Roll Information



We know that an inclusive and diverse workforce can boost productivity, improve employee morale, and help contribute to social development for participating companies. Including co-workers and colleagues who use wheelchairs so they can fully participate in fun, fitness, and employee camaraderie helps to accomplish Kaiser Permanente's goal: Activities promoting health and physical well-being of the entire workforce - from large companies to small employers and independent business owners - should be inclusive and offer challenges to everyone across the board.


START TIME: 6:55pm
START LOCATION: Summer Hill Lot C - 513 Hank Aaron Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30312


Who can participate in the Roll Division?

Novice and experienced participants are all welcome.  Participants can be in a self-propelled standard wheelchair, a push-rim chair, or have an assistant push them in a standard wheelchair or a racing chariot.  Experienced, self-propelled participants will start first, before the 5K Run.  Novice and assisted participants will start with the 5K Walk.  Please note that EVERYONE participating in the event must register for the event.  Assistants should register for the 5K Roll division.


What is not allowed in the Roll Division?

Baby strollers, baby joggers, animals, skates, skateboards, bicycles, scooters, hover boards, or other vehicular apparatus are not allowed on the racecourse.  This is an insurance requirement and applies to the 5K Run and Walk as well.  Only participants registered for the 5K Roll can participate using a standard wheelchair, a racing push-rim chair, or a racing chariot.


Registered participants will get specific email communication in the weeks preceding the event with specific instructions and resources for race day.




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